How to Keep My Child Physically Active? 

Physical activity can immensely help children with their: 

  • Development of stronger bones and muscles 
  • Cardiovascular fitness 
  • Flexibility 
  • Posture, healthy weight and sleep patterns 
  • Ability to focus 
  • Skills development 
  • Confidence and self-esteem 
  • Ability to make friends (e.g. outdoor play provides more opportunities to get to know other kids) 

With these benefits in mind, we want our children to be physically active and help them with their overall proper development. 

Keeping our children physically active 

One effective way to encourage physical activity is by setting a good example. If we regularly take part in physical activities, our children can see that and will try to emulate us. Perhaps they won’t be interested in the exact same activities we’re doing. But they will still get the idea that we’re always moving and energetic. 

Another way to encourage physical activity is by reducing the time our children can spend on non-physical activity. For example, we can restrict our children’s “screen time” and internet use. With less time on these activities, our children will have more time and opportunities to play outside or carry out physical activities (even if it’s just jumping or running around). 

It also helps to take our children to a safe local playground and let them use the different play equipment there. When they see the swings and slides, they will naturally use them again and again until they get exhausted. They will also experience more fun and naturally associate physical activity with enjoyment. This can further encourage them to become and stay physically active. 

We know that children are naturally active and energetic. Our job is to provide them enough time and opportunities to use their energy. This can help them with their physical and cognitive development as well as further build their self-esteem and confidence which can help them better transition to big school and face several different situations and environments in the future.